How long should I talk to someone before meeting in person?

This is entirely a judgment call on your part. If you feel comfortable that you have a good idea of what the person is like, go for it. Talk to them over our chat feature. This is faster and better than an email. It is essential to talk to them over the phone before any meeting in person.

How can I reject someone without hurting their feelings?

This is a tough, but trust in the fact that it’s better to tell the truth than drag someone along just because you don’t want to hurt their feelings. Treat this situation exactly as you would if it happened in the real world, although here you have the advantage of not having to see that person in the office tomorrow. Tell them that they’re just not what you’re looking for at the current time.

The site seems to be geared towards men dating Brazilian women. Are you open to other types of dating sites

Absolutely! Our search algorithms will support any two people who want to find each other and fall in love.

Do you have any tips for choosing a username?

We suggest picking a username that is original and that means something to you. That will help you get noticed.

Is my personal information safe? Is it possible for anyone to see it?

Only the people who operate From Brazil With Love can see your information. There is no way for other members to see it. We have many controls in place that prevent sharing your information with anyone else. Please review our terms if you have any additional questions or concerns.

What makes From Brazil with Love (FBWL) different from other dating sites?

Unlike other dating sites, our FBWL team personally connects with EVERY member, thru email or by phone, to ensure we have no fake profiles or internet scammers.

What should I do if no one is responding to my profile?

We suggest that you revise it and make improvements. Don’t just change your profile for the sake of change. Read it out loud, look for potential areas where you could maybe improve it. In particular, are you looking for someone too specific? Do you sound too needy, arrogant, or downright annoying? If so, fix it. Try to get someone you trust to check it out and make suggestions.

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